What You Need to Know About Perc Testing

If you own land that has a substantial amount of soil, there’s a good chance you might need to have a perc test done at some point. For those of you who might not be familiar with this term, your friends at Delta Aggregate have taken the time to make a brief know-how guide to fill you in on all of the important details. 
fdot test methods
What is a Perc Test? 

A perc test, also known as a percolation test, tests the soil on your land for its absorption rate. The main purpose of this test is to see if a septic tank can be installed. If the property you plan on buying is remote or rural and has no access to municipal plumbing facilities, then a septic tank system must be installed to make your property liveable. This is an essential test usually performed by an engineer, or a member of the board of health. 

This test is only a necessity if your property doesn’t have access to plumbing. 

Check With Your County’s Health Regulations Before Proceeding 

As someone in real estate might have told you at one point, the most important rule is “location, location, location.” Before you proceed with an engineer to perform a perc test, take the time to contact the county health department. Every county has different regulations and statutes, and it’s very important that you cover all your bases beforehand. 

A Failed Perc Test Will Make Building More Difficult 

Should the soil on your property fail the perc test, you’ll have difficulties moving forward with any planned building projects. This is why you should do a substantial amount of research on any plot of land before you even consider buying. Some people have bought plots of land even after it failed the perc test, thinking they could still move forward with their plans, only to run into more problems than it’s worth. 

A Failed Perc Test is Not the End of the World 

There are some ways in which a failed test can be circumvented, especially if you have your heart set on that plot of land and are willing to spend a little bit more. An engineered system or a raised sand bed can help alleviate the drainage issues, and it also helps if you do research to see if any perc tests were done on the land in years prior. 

Before you do anything, consult the local health department, they’ll more than likely be willing to work with you on a solution. 

Delta Aggregate 

Delta Aggregate are the trusted professionals when it comes to keeping your construction jobs going strong. If you’re looking to build on a plot of the recently acquired land, then we’re more than happy to help you get the job done and lend our professional expertise. For more information, visit us at deltaaggregate.com.

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