From playgrounds and backyards to beaches, public parks, and even right beneath your feet, you will find a material commonly used throughout the construction industry – sand. However, no simple definition can define sand, as not every type is created equal, which few people realize.
This can make it difficult to choose the right sand for a project. Yet, how do you know the right sand aggregate type for your project?
The solution – Delta Aggregates in Florida. They can help you decide on the correct type of sand aggregate based on the needs of your project. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Before you contact us, you can brush up on our sand aggregates and their unique qualities by reading this blog.
What Are Sand Aggregates
Sand aggregates act as a skeleton or filling in concrete and are composed of granular loose material. They are used predominantly throughout varying construction industries. Sand aggregates have various uses, including applications like asphalt concrete, railway track slag, cement concrete, road foundations, and many others.
The Distinctions In Aggregates: Sands With Unique Qualities
Before you go ahead and choose any old sand, you must first know the distinctions in aggregates. Below, you will find a list of sand aggregates and their unique qualities explained to help you make an informed decision for your next project:Screening Sand
When looking at the different types of sand aggregates, screening sand is typically coarser, drains better, and doesn’t erode like A3 sand, making it ideal for DIY projects. This is because it has a small amount of gravel mixed in.
As a result, you could use this sand to create an artificial beach on your property. This sand aggregate is also more suited as a base and leveling material for steppingstone-type applications, like flagstone walkways, large planters, or creating a base for a green oasis in your garden.
Concrete Sand
Concrete sand has many applications in the industrial sector, typically made up of gneiss (metamorphic rock), granite, or limestone. This is because concrete sand can be used independently or as part of a concrete mix. The standard uses of cement sand include setting stone pavers for walkways, keeping fixtures like conduits and pipes in place, and leveling large project areas.
A3 Sand
When you think of sand, the first thing that will likely pop into your mind is A3 sand, the type you typically see daily or when you visit the beach. A3 sand is predominantly used throughout the construction sectors for storm recovery efforts to dune replacements. This is due to its fast-draining and fine particulate composition. Its drainage capabilities make A3 sand aggregates crucial in protecting coastlines.
Paver Sand
If you’re looking for the next best thing to screening sand, then paver sand, with its higher coarseness level, is the one to use. Similar to screening sand, paver sand comprises a mixture of gravel and sand. Paver sand can be used independently for applications like lining paths or garden walkways.
However, paver sand is ideal for more than just paths and garden walkways. You can use it to level and provide a base for larger construction projects like laying a cement or concrete sidewalk or patio building foundation.
Speak To Delta Aggregates For Top-Quality Aggregates
Now that you know the distinctions in sand aggregates, you should be able to decide on the right aggregate for your project. However, if you still need clarification, speak to Delta Aggregates, as we’re aggregate specialists.
We can help you choose the right sand aggregate for your project and supply it to your door. Contact us here to speak with our friendly staff to get started today!